Names of Attacks

Striking Attacks

Shomen uchi (show­men oo­chee) : Straight on attack to the front, usually to the head

Yokomen uchi (yo­ko men oo­chee) : Attacks coming from a direction slightly to one side or the other, usually as a chop to the side of the head

Munetsuki (moon­net ski) : A horizontal attack such as a straight punch or a straight thrust with a knife, sword, etc.

Grabbing or Seizing Attacks

Katate dori (kah tah­tay doe­ree) : Grabbing the wrist on the same side

Gyakute dori (gee­ah koo­tay doe­ree) : Grabbing the opposite wrist

Ryote dori (ree­oh­tay doe­ree) : Grabbing both wrists

Morote dori (moe­roh­tay doe­ree) : Using two hands to grab the wrist or forearm

Kata dori (kah­tah doe­ree) : A grab to the same side shoulder

Ryokata (ree­oh­kah­tah doe­ree) : Grabbing both shoulders

Kata menuchi (kah­tah men­ooh­chee) : Grabbing the shoulder on the same side and striking the face with the other arm

Mune dori (moon­eh doe­ree) : Grabbing the clothing in the middle of the chest

Eri dori (ee­ree doe­ree) : Grabbing the collar from behind

Hiji dori (hee­jee doe­ree) : Grabbing the arm at the elbows

Kubi shimi (koo­bah she­mee) : Attempting to strange a person’s throat from behind while holding on to one of their hands


Additionally, many of these attacks may be done from behind. These are called USHIRO WAZA.

For example : Ushiro waza ryo kata dori



Japanese Terms and Vocabulary

Useful Japanese Phrases

Onegai shimasu (oh­neh­guy she­mahss) : I humbly request. (Used when asking someone to train with you)

Domo arigato gozaimashita (doe­moe ah­ree­gah­toe goh­zah­ee­mahss­tah) : Thank you very much (for what has been done)

Ohayo gozaimasu (ohio goh­zigh­ee­mahss) : Good morning (Used after 10:00 am)

Konnichi wa (koh­knee­chee wah) : Good day (Used after 10:00 am)

Komban wa (comb­bahn wah) : Good evening

Ogenki desu ka (oh­ghen­key dess kah) : How are you feeling?

Sayonara (say­yoh­nah­rah) : Goodbye.


Numbers in Japanese

Ichi : One

Ni : Two

San : Three

Shi : Four

Go : Five

Roku : Six

Shichi : Seven

Hachi : Eight

Ku : Nine

Ju : Ten

Niju : Twenty

Sanju : Thirty
